Among the 40 manuscripts in this display are works spanning the regions of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and China, covering subjects as diverse as science, religion, law, magic and philosophy. They include one of the first Jewish scientific works written in the Hebrew language, one of the few surviving copies of the Babylonian Talmud, and the First Gaster Bible, which dates to the 10th century. Together, these rarely seen and beautifully illustrated manuscripts shine a light on the exchange of knowledge between Jewish communities across the world, from the Middle Ages to modernity. Find out more from the British Library’s website.
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First Gaster Bible (10th century), Egypt. British Library, London

Marriage contract (1881), Calcutta. British Library, London

A work on the calculation of the calendar (1804), Tiemcen, Algeria. British Library, London

Maimonides’ Guide for the Perplexed (c. 1325–74), Spain. British Library, London
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