A Revolution of Visual Culture 1905–55
2017 marks the centenary of the October Revolution. Rebellion brought hope, chaos, heroism and tragedy as the Russian Empire became the Soviet Union. A new visual culture arose and transformed the fabric of everyday life. The core of this exhibition comes from the extraordinary collection of photographer and graphic designer David King (1943–2016). He started his collection of over 250,000 items in the 1970s. The collection was acquired by Tate in 2016. The exhibition will offer a visual history of Russia and the Soviet Union. It is an opportunity to see the rare propaganda posters, prints and photographs collected by King – some bearing traces of state censorship. Including work by El Lissitzky, Gustav Klutsis, Nina Vatolina and Yevgeny Khaldei, it is a thrilling journey through a momentous period in world history. Find out more about the ‘Red Star Over Russia’ exhibition from the Tate’s website.
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