Pablo Rodriguez-Fraile | Apollo 40 Under 40 Art & Tech | The Patrons & Advocates | Apollo Magazine
40 Under 40 Art and Tech

Pablo Rodriguez-Fraile

20 September 2021

Digital art patron, Miami

Pablo Rodriguez-Fraile is at the forefront of a new class of ‘digital art patron’. As an investor in cryptocurrencies and a major collector of NFTs, his collection of cryptoart now contains more than 2,000 NFTs, including 30 works by Beeple, 70 works by Pak, and others by Mad Dog Jones and Trevor Jones. In October 2020, Rodriguez-Fraile bought a 10-second Beeple video clip for $66,000, which he sold in March for $6.6m. With co-founder Colborn Bell, he established the Museum of Crypto Art in Somnium Space, a virtual space on the Ethereum blockchain; having parted ways with Bell earlier this year, he has now founded the RF Collection, an online gallery of works in his ownership, designed by his wife Desiree Casoni. This month he also co-founded Aorist, an NFT marketplace.

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