Search results for: first look
The reopening of the Hayward Gallery and a Tacita Dean trilogy
It’s a big year for museums in the UK, with reopenings, expansions, and collaborations in London and Cambridge
The remarkable legacy of Johan Maelwael
This superbly curated exhibition transforms our understanding of medieval art history
New Museum Triennial
The emerging artists in ‘Songs for Sabotage’ address the links between culture and built systems
The battle for Picasso’s mind
An exhibition in Berlin explores how both sides in the Cold War tried to turn artists into ideological weapons
The Rake’s progress: last week in gossip
Justin Bieber takes up painting, an art-breaking first date, and Hans-Ulrich on the beach
Myths, music, and medieval Celtic
Looking forward to a year of monographic exhibitions, from Joan Jonas in London to Danh Vō in New York
Do we still need UNESCO?
The US is withdrawing from UNESCO (again) at the end of 2018. Has this international body outlived its usefulness?
‘The most substantial Kunsthalle in London’
Ralph Rugoff, the director of the Hayward Gallery, explains what the revamped brutalist building has to offer artists and audiences
Does the Louvre Abu Dhabi live up to its aims?
The Louvre Abu Dhabi is undeniably impressive, but can it succeed in becoming the universal museum it wants to be?
A trip along the East Coast of the United States
From post-war German art at Harvard to Leonardo at the Worcester Art Museum, here are some gems beyond the blockbuster exhibitions
Early photography, ancient Egypt, and postmodern architecture
Highlights of 2018 include Victorian photographers, Egyptian influences, and models from Kinshasa
Video games and the many gardens of Manifesta
European highlights for 2018 include three promising young artists and Palermo’s eco-focused edition of Manifesta
Pain, precision and poetry
Highlights of 2018 include violent visions in Dulwich, Bruegel in Vienna, and T.S. Eliot at Turner Contemporary
Sexing up the cherry
The cherry has come a long way over the centuries – as medieval badges, Renaissance paintings, and a video by Beyoncé reveal
At home with the Ceaușescus
The dictator and his wife lived in luxury at their Spring Palace – with a golden bathroom and the only colour TV in Romania
Britain’s most important 20th-century housing is under threat
The Alton Estate in London is at risk from proposals that will ruin the architecture and destroy social housing
The layered life of Leonard Rosoman
A fine, detailed biography convinces us to take another look at the oft-neglected British artist
The Rake’s progress: last week in gossip
Celebs at Art Basel Miami Beach, Ai Weiwei’s problem with German, and Peter Hitchens pans his portrait
The myth of Basquiat threatens to eclipse his art
The Barbican survey’s biographical focus detracts from the fervent energy of the paintings themselves
Enrico Castellani (1930–2017)
The Italian artist, minimalism’s chosen forefather, was a key figure of the post-war avant-garde
Spanish culture minister orders removal of works from Catalan museum
Art news daily: 11 December
The business of luxury in modern Vienna
The Wiener Werkstätte was a commercial flop, but its designs still embody the spirit of Viennese modernism
A tribute to Gavin Stamp (1948–2017)
The great architecture critic and campaigner has died at the age of 69