Shoair Mavlian | Apollo 40 Under 40 Europe | The Thinkers | Apollo Magazine
40 Under 40 Europe 2018

Shoair Mavlian

5 September 2018

34 | Director, Photoworks, Brighton, UK

Shoair Mavlian was appointed the director of Photoworks earlier this year after six years as an assistant curator of photography and international art at Tate Modern, where she curated ʻThe Radical Eye: Modernist Photography from the Sir Elton John Collectionʼ (2016) and co-curated ʻShape of Light: 100 Years of Photography and Abstract Artʼ (2018). Mavlian was chosen to lead Photoworks due to her enthusiasm for emerging talent and the role will allow her to oversee new commissions, the annual Jerwood/Photoworks Awards and the Brighton Photo Biennial. Recent independent curatorial projects include ʻDon McCullin: Looking Beyond the Edgeʼ at Les Rencontres dʼArles in 2016, and recent publications focus on Catherine Wagner and Ursula Schulz-Dornburg.

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