Ryan Su | Apollo 40 Under 40 Asia Pacific | The Patrons & Advocates | Apollo Magazine
40 Under 40 Asia Pacific 2022

Ryan Su

22 September 2022

Founder, Ryan Foundation, Singapore

An art lawyer who represents museums, artists and collectors at Osborne Clarke Queens Street, Ryan Su established his non-profit Ryan Foundation to support the staging of exhibitions, including those in unconventional locations – such as the tropical rainforest and an oceanarium. Projects like these, and the exhibition ‘Re|Collecting Asia: Selections from Singapore Private Collections’ have helped improve public access to art in Singapore; other exhibitions, such as ‘Lucy Liu and Shubigi Rao: Unhomed Belongings’, staged at the National Museum of Singapore in 2019, have emphasised connections between artists from Singapore and the United States. In 2017 and 2020, Su was awarded the Patron of the Arts Award for his support of arts in the island nation; in 2020 he was also named Patron of Heritage. His personal collection contains one of the largest groups of Warhol’s polaroids, which he exhibited in an exhibition that launched at Singapore Art Week 2016 before travelling to Kuala Lumpur.

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