Underscoring SFMOMA’s commitment to the art of California and the Bay Area specifically, the inaugural installation of the museum’s new California galleries feature local artists in three groupings: artists associated with the University of California, Davis, including Robert Arneson, Wayne Thiebaud, and William T. Wiley; art by Joan Brown, Jess, and Lee Mullican, emphasising the personal, often spiritual, underpinnings of art produced in the region; and the Bay Area’s vibrant Conceptual art scene of the late 1960s and 1970s, explored through works by David Ireland, Lynn Hershman Leeson, and Tom Marioni, among others.
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The Masterpiece podcast: episode three
This episode explores an ancient funeral stele, Marie Antoinette’s breast bowl, and how digital technologies are helping to preserve Egyptian heritage sites
How to give back looted objects