
Cover Story: July/August Apollo

How many people, in the art world and beyond, are able to distinguish Gilbert Proesch from George Passmore?

10 Jul 2014

Editor’s Letter: Youth and experience

It’s vital that young scholars and writers have institutional support. Apollo is pleased to announce a new writing prize with Lund Humphries

1 Jul 2014

Masterpiece London: June Apollo

Apollo talks to Nazy Vassegh and Philip Hewat-Jaboor, CEO and chairman of Masterpiece London, ahead of the 5th edition of the fair

23 Jun 2014

Cover Story: June Apollo

Alexander Pope seems to live on in Roubiliac’s magnificent portrait bust, as if the man and his mind somehow inhabited the marble

19 Jun 2014

Editor’s Letter: Connoisseurship now

Has the time come for a revival of connoisseurship?

2 Jun 2014

Diary: May Apollo

Extract from our May Diary featuring Karen Smith on contemporary Chinese art

14 May 2014

Cover Story: May Apollo

A young Jackson Pollock, inspired by Michelangelo, made the copper tondo on Apollo’s May issue cover

1 May 2014

Diary: April Apollo

Extract from our April Diary featuring the director of Birmingham’s Ikon gallery, Jonathan Watkins, on the museum’s upcoming 50th anniversary

27 Apr 2014

Building the catalogue: the National Gallery and digital publishing

‘Building the Picture’ is accompanied by the National Gallery’s first fully digital catalogue

26 Apr 2014

Artists as Print Collectors: April Apollo

Ben Luke on the phenomenon of artist as print collector – what makes the medium so seductive?

24 Apr 2014

Forum: Does today’s art market benefit young artists?

Apollo’s April Forum asks whether art market hype affects emerging artists

21 Apr 2014

The Origins of the Easter Bunny

How did our furry friends become the ubiquitous symbols of Easter?

19 Apr 2014

Editor’s Letter: Culture Secretaries

The new culture secretary, Sajid Javid, must be as visible as possible at arts venues in the coming months

15 Apr 2014

Matisse: April Apollo

Extracts from Emma Crichton-Miller’s article on Matisse and his cut-outs, in Apollo’s April issue

14 Apr 2014

Editor’s Letter: Italian museums are showing the strain

In his April Editor’s Letter, Thomas Marks asks ‘Was there ever a golden age for Italian Museums?’

1 Apr 2014

Cover Story: April Apollo

Our April cover features a photograph of Matisse. He is ensconced in cut-out design, intent on working the line

31 Mar 2014

Beyond TEFAF: What’s on around Maastricht

A look at some of the outstanding satellite shows being staged alongside TEFAF

14 Mar 2014

Forum: Is it ever justifiable to burn a fake?

Apollo’s March Forum asks what should be done with ‘fake’ paintings

4 Mar 2014

Editor’s Letter: Two Jewel Boxes

Following MoMA’s expansion plans, is it time to ask whether large museums should look beyond themselves?

27 Feb 2014

Cover Story: March Apollo

All eyes on the Mauritshuis… a striking detail from Rembrandt’s ‘The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp’ features on this month’s cover

25 Feb 2014

Four Fake Exhibitions

Is there value in fake art? Several museums and galleries seem to think so, and have mounted exhibitions to prove it

4 Feb 2014

Diary: February Apollo

Extract from our February Diary featuring Diana Campbell Betancourt on the Dhaka Art Summit (7–9 February)

4 Feb 2014

Forum: February Apollo

Our February Forum asks ‘Have traditional museum and exhibition catalogues had their day?’

2 Feb 2014

Editor’s Letter: Public Gestures

Should the public have a say in exhibition programming? The MFA in Boston seems to think so…

28 Jan 2014