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Ribera. Master of Drawing.

Museo del Prado, Madrid


To coincide with the publication of the new catalogue raisónne of drawings by Jusepe de Ribera (1591-1652), the Museo del Prado in collaboration with the Meadows Museum is organising an exhibition on Ribera’s drawings to be shown at the two institutions. This exhibition aims to emphasise the variety of the artist’s drawings, his technical skill in the use of pen, ink and brush, and the originality of his subject matter: anatomical and figure studies, scenes of everyday life and episodes of torture and martyrdom. Read more.

Escena fantástica: caballero con hombrecillos subiendo por su cuerpo (Gentleman with little men climbing over his body)

Escena fantástica: caballero con hombrecillos subiendo por su cuerpo (Gentleman with little men climbing over his body) (c. 1625-1639), José de Ribera Courtesy of Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

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